Monday, August 30, 2010

Change your state....!


No, this is not a suggestion to move to the USA, but rather changing your personal state of mind....

It is common for many of us who get caught up and wound tight during stressful situations, to put ourselves in a bad or negative state.
I can dabble in that at times....................OK, maybe a little more than dabble....LOL.

Let's say you have being working your butt off, day in and out for weeks and you are burned out?
While you may not be able to stop working (you are self-employed or it is peak season, such as the situation for our farmers, who are in harvest mode at this time of year)
Or, your kid's back to school demands are causing some extra stress; or you are working on a big proposal for your company and the deadline is tomorrow?

I learned this concept from Anthony Robbins and it can really work.
Its called "incantations." That means changing your state of mind by saying positive things to yourself with feeling. Napoleon Hill called it "autosuggestion." This is one of the most basic principles for taking advantage of the awesome power of your mind and fulfilling your potential. Its simple, yet effective, such as:  "I will be great soon", or "I will persist without exception."
It is up to you.....just make it positive and truly believe in what you are saying!

Here's another great, and very effective way to change your state.
Spend time with, or briefly chat with the most energized and positive person that you know.

I had a hectic and stressful week, but I made a very conscience effort to change my state of mind when I felt crappy.
A few examples for me.  Went for a bike ride; worked out; called a great friend (Thanks Arnold!); enjoyed an amazing dinner with my good friends Harvey and Minnie;  (who will be married 66 years this fall..!); had a beer with my friend Craig; had a very relaxing bbq with my other buddy Craig (and Spike); put some new music on my iPod; cooked a great dinner for my son Nick. 
All of the above broke my routine and more quickly helped me out of the rut.
(WOW....I now realize that I had to change my state a few times this past week).

This might sound simple for some or radical for others, but both of the above tips do work............Really!

“Happiness is a state of mind; happiness means calmness of mind...”             

Enjoy your week and if I happen to get a call from one of you, I will do my best to change your state....!

"Helping you to the next level"

Monday, August 23, 2010



Good day everyone!

Many of us were taught to "respect our elders".  Makes sense, right?
But, ...what about everyone else?  The young lady that works at Tim Hortons, your neighbour, your kids, or past friends and relationships................and of course, yourself!

Respect has always been a guiding principle for me.  I try to apply the teachings of Dr. Stephen Covey.  Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood.  It allows me to respect people for who they most cases!

Just because you don't see eye to eye with someone, or they make decisions that may impact you, take the time to respect that person's point of view. It takes a big person to respect someone for who they are, with their many great qualities and numerous flaws......
There are many people that I have a tremendous amount of respect for......all for different reasons.
For some, it is what they do, and for others it is for what they don't do....

Self Respect, can be equally difficult for many people.  It is defined as, "The knowledge of one's own worth, valuing one's self".  Are you comfortable in your own skin?  Are you fine to just be you, and not anyone else?  If so, good for you!!! This can come from confidence, or vice versa. Perhaps you receive validation from people that suggest you are great as you are.

I came across this quote and it really hit me!..............Ironically, a very special friend, who I have a tremendous amount of respect for, said almost the exact same thing to me a week ago.

“Don't rely on someone else for your happiness and self worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can't love and respect yourself - no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are - completely; the good and the bad - and make changes as YOU see fit - not because you think someone else wants you to be different.”  - Stacey Charter

As I see it, if you have ample Self Respect, it is easier to Respect others!

"Helping you to the next level"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Time out....!


Good day everyone.

I want to take my own advice this week and take a time-out.

When we were young, I am sure that many of us were ordered a Time-out, or nap, by our parents.
Perhaps we misbehaved, or were acting like wimpy kiddy baby whiners!

The time-out didn't seem to serve any real purpose, or so we thought at the time.
Even though the time-out wasn't too long, from a lifetime perspective, it had a desired outcome.
Usually, we came back and decided to be nice, and were more mellow, and less whiny.

It's amazing what 20-30 minutes can do to a grouchy kid..!

As adults, we don't get summoned to a Time-out anymore, but sometimes we should.

It is so common in today's fast-paced and hectic world, that we don't take a time-out.  (Not that we should go in a corner, but simply take a real time-out.) Some people are pros at this.  It can be a stroll in your neighbourhood, or a short vacation.  It can do many things for you....all of which are good.

My good friend Eden, said to me one time, "Mike, when the going gets tough, it's time for a vacation."
(Looking forward to the Harley ride in a few weeks Eden!)

I have the three R's for my time-out.  (this is when I apply it to a short vacation, as is the case for me this week...Yahoo!) 

The first R is of course Rest.  When the stress levels and demands subside for a few days, you get to Rest, and actually feel rested.  What a concept!

The second R stands for Relax.  This may include not having any structure, focus, or agenda, other than to relax.   Kind of a "don't worry, be happy" angle to life.

The third R is about Re-focus for me.  This is after ample rest and relaxation.  You now have a new perspective on the road ahead.  It could be for the next month, or next year.....depends on how often you take vacations.

This quote, seemed to apply for this week's Blog.
“We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep.”   -Earl Nightingale

I look forward to coming back in a week, rested, relaxed,  and re-focused on the road ahead.

Have a great week everyone....................I definitely plan on!!!

"Helping you to the next level"

Monday, August 9, 2010



Good day everyone!!

Envy is a small word, but a big issue for many people.

As kids, we would say, "hey, no fair, Johnny got a bigger piece than me."

As adults, we think, "hey no fair, Johnny has a bigger house than I do."

Envy is defined as:

-feeling envious towards someone; admire enviously

-a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that is possessed by another

-be envious of; set one's heart on

-spite and resentment at seeing the success of another (personified as one of the deadly sins)

There is no easy solution to Envy, but I have a few suggestions.   If you see someone with something that you really want, why don't you figure out a way to go get it on your own.  Of course, you will do this with integrity, determination and focus.

“Envy is the art of counting the other person's blessings instead of your own.”  - Harold Coffin

Another option is to create a list of all the things that you have in your life today, and be thankful and full of gratitude for what you have.......and not be envious for the things that you do not have.

Is your glass half full?...........or half empty?

While I have 3 amazing sisters, my middle sister Elaine reminded me of this message last week when she emailed me a note:  "Mike each day you wake up and think.....this is going to be a great day......because there are a few people in this big old world that Love Me."  
This is one of those things that I am thankful for!

I know that many of you will have an awesome week, and others may envy you! .... Feel better?

Have a great and productive week!

(I welcome your comments on my Blog in the comments section below...Thank you!)

"Helping you to the next level"

Monday, August 2, 2010

Life Lessons............from Wisdom!


Good morning everyone!

This weeks Blog will be a little longer, but for good reason, as I have the privilege of sharing some wisdom from my 85 year old friend, Vernon.

Vernon has been a longtime family friend, former boss and mentor to me.   I have known Vernon my entire life!  He is 85 years young and I regard him as one of the brightest business minds that I know.  We always enjoy meaningful discussion on the phone, or face to face, when we are together.  I always find time in my schedule when travelling to Saskatchewan to see Vernon, because I always learn something.  (I also apply my longtime guiding principle here as well.  " I am glad I did...................vs. I wish I had.")

I asked Vernon recently, what he regarded as his Life Lessons in the past 85 years.

Here are some of Vernon's thoughts:

He said "Mike, you are like me..., your ears are eager to hear and learn". 
I guess it is true, because I always can listen to absolutely anything Vernon has to say, regardless of topic.

When he was in his early teens and his parents would visit the neighbours on the farm, he would sit with the adults, vs. play with the kids his age, as he wanted to learn something.  Vernon, said,  "you should always learn as you go."

When he started his Farm Equipment Dealership in 1949 he earned solid customers and they trusted him and he in turn trusted them.  They had confidence in him, as a businessman. (FYI.....Hibbard Equipment Ltd., is still in active operation today)

Vernon noted that "today, the world is changing so need to keep up!"  Are you keeping up??

He's a man that always has a passion for learning and seeing the world and loves to travel.

Vernon stated, "nature is becoming more of my is great to see mother nature's work." That would explain his passion for farming.

He has a lot less focus on business today, and the fact that he can see his grand kids, and now great grand kids grow up, is very important to him, as well.  "They are true enjoyment!"  He noted that the difference with your kids and your grand kids is that you tell your kids to "slowdown" and now you get to watch the grand kids run!

As Vernon and I shared some deep dialogue about life a year or so ago, when he treated me to a steak dinner, while I was in Regina, he commented about the changes we experience in life.  He said, "Mike, nothing lasts for ever.....we change, and people change and go in different directions......just accept it."

I asked Vernon what he would like to be remembered for?  He laughed, and said, "I am not sure I should be remembered for anything, other than the fact that I am no different than anyone else.  I looked after myself, and loved what I did in business and tried to enjoy life."  I know for certain that he truly loved what he did from a business perspective.  He said, "if I had to do it all over again.................I would."

I am grateful that Vernon took the time to share this wisdom with me, but I am truly honoured to have him as a dear friend and Life Mentor. 

Enjoy your Alaskan cruise and Yukon tour coming up this week Vernon! 

(I welcome your comments on my Blog in the comments section below...Thank you!)

"Helping you to the next Level"