Sunday, April 25, 2010

Reframe your view!!!

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The definition of Reframe is:

1. To support something/someone in a new or different frame.

2. To change the plans or basic details of (a policy, idea, etc.) reframe policy issues and problems.

3. To look at, present, or think of (beliefs, ideas, relationships, etc.) in a new or different way.

4. To change the focus or perspective of (a view) through a lens.

5. To say (something) in a different way reframe the question.


I was reminded this past week how important it is to reframe things in our life, from time to time.

As many of you know, I am an active and passionate member of Toastmasters. Last week, my friend and fellow Toastmaster, Wang Yip conducted a speech that focused on "Reframing".   Wang is a brilliant speaker, and the message he delivered truly grabbed my attention. Life can be amazing if we can reframe how we see, perceive, or view things that we encounter. Ironically, it was the second time in the same week that this topic of discussion was put in front of me. A business associate of mine, (Terry R.) offered a perspective on this topic one day before I heard Wang's speech............In effect, Terry offered a similar point of view, stating that when bad stuff happens, be thankful for the opportunity to learn and grow. When adversity hits you in the forehead, see it as a true developmental opportunity in your life.

I must admit, when I reflect on my life, it was because of the times when I was challenged the most that I grew the most. Looking back, I am grateful for the challenges, as it allowed to me to be bigger, stronger, and wiser.

When life is too "cushy" we become like a couch potato and don't feel like getting up, because there is no reason to do so. When life throws you a "curve ball" and it smacks you square in the eye, you get up and learn from this painful experience. In most cases, it better prepares us for the next curve ball. It is called "wisdom"

A book for your review and reference:

I hope we can all reframe our week ahead!!

"Helping you to the next level"

1 comment:

Blaine said...

Great message Mike.

In our last toastmasters meeting Boris also offered us this wisdom

'A sturdy sailor is not made on stable waters'
- or something to this effect.

I must agree, adversity not only builds character, We gain some talents in the process!