Sunday, April 18, 2010


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It is time to be reminded to have fun at work, rest and play!

A very special friend of mine always reminds me to "Have Fun." I smile when she says this, because many times, the task at hand is not always so pleasant, but if I decide to have fun, I get to see the task in a whole new light.

By definition, fun is:   activities that are enjoyable or amusing.

Life.... for most of us, can be very hectic, but if we take some time to have fun along the way, it can make the day, week, or year go by just a little easier.

Fun takes on many forms. For some, it is to simply chill on the couch and watch the Stanley Cup Playoffs. How about raking leaves, while sipping a cool margarita, or two?  I have to admit I did this and had a lot of fun.  (It can even prevent you from waking up with a sore back...LOL)
For my friend Harvey, he may have fun performing as a Stand-Up Comedian; for my buddy Al, it may involve a great round of golf on his favourite course in Victoria. (Hopefully with me!!); my sister Sharon has fun with her beautiful Grandchildren; and my friend Eden takes his Harley for a cruise.

Having fun does not need to be planned. Just do it. (Yes, I know I used this a few weeks ago, but it is still applicable)

Fun is a state of mind. If you enjoy life, you will never miss out on fun. The key to a good life is to have fun.

For the week ahead, may I suggest that you plan to HAVE FUN. Perhaps, dust off the BBQ or get the bike out for a cruise.

A quote that I really like......
"Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, and be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human."
-Anthony Robbins

Click here for reminder!

I would welcome your comments below.

Have a FUN week!!

"Helping you to the next"

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