Monday, June 21, 2010

Persist........without exception!


I was once told by a a former boss that I was patient, but persistent.  When I first heard this, some 17 years ago, it took me awhile to truly understand what that meant.

There are many people out there that are simply patient.  They are willing to wait and wait for things to happen in their life......not all bad.!....or is it?

When a farmer plants a crop, they patiently wait for the fruits of their labour.  In this case, patience is a good thing, simply because the farmer took action in the first place.  It is very possible that over the years the outcome was not always desirable, perhaps some poor crops........but the farmer continued to seed year over year.  He persisted, without exception, even though many times, he thought about giving up.

Winston Churchill, was quoted as saying, "If you're going through hell, keep going."

In life, we are thrown many curve balls and challenges, but if we continue to persist without exception, we can overcome the challenges.  This is not always easy to do, but you need to be strong!

I learned valuable insight from Andy Andrews. (7 Decisions for Success).  He comments about the persistence of a child.
"How long must a child try to walk before he actually does so? Do I not have more strength than a child? More understanding? More desire? How long must I work to succeed before I actually do so? A child would never ask the question, for the answer does not matter. By persisting without exception, my outcome—my success—is assured. I will persist without exception. I focus on  results."

On a final note for you to ponder, I share some insight from Eckhart Tolle, from his book, The Power of Now.  "Do not be concerned with the fruit of your action just give attention to the action itself.  The fruit will come of its own accord."
I thank my colleague and friend Terry R. for reminding me of this very important message!!!
Have a great week everyone!

"Helping you to the next level"


Unknown said...

Well put together Mike. It reminds me of the saying; knowledge is not power, but rather the application of knowledge. It's critical to take action and persist.

I trust all is well and look forward to our next Encounter.

Terry Regenwetter said...

"Don't worry about the fruit, Mike. It will come... We live in a loving and supporting Universe."

Your good friend, Terry R.